
Periodic fixed part 1 | Intermittent Fasting


Dr Gitterle writes about Intermittent Fasting and that it is an effective way to partly lose weight but also as a popular method for athletes as it seems to give quick results on strength, speed and endurance. He says the science indicates that Intermittent Fasting works because it matches our “biological clock” better and stimulates fat burning much better than other ways of eating. Read the full post below the image.

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Simple and very effective

Intermittent Fasting – A Simple, and Very Effective Way to Lose Weight and Feel Great if you haven’t heard yet, Intermittent Fasting is taking the world by storm. Thousands of YouTube testimonials and instructional videos have appeared since 2017. Intermittent Fasting (IF for short) is a form of “Time Restricted Eating,” which means limiting eating to a designated time period, smaller than the 12-16 hour time period during which most folks eat, without restricting calories. It’s really that simple. You count hours, not calories.

The most popular regimen allows eating between Noon and 8:00 PM. This means no breakfast, but you can pack in as may meals as you like between Noon and 8PM. Water is allowed, and I believe black coffee or unsweetened tea is ok during the fasting period, but nothing more. And though Intermittent Fasting works even with a less than healthy diet, it works much better with healthy foods. How can someone lose more weight eating the same number of calories, just by time-shifting them? Science indicates that Intermittent Fasting works because it fits our “biological clock,” better, and by stimulating fat-burning much better than other ways of eating.


IF has been proven to produce greater loss of fat body mass (the weight we want to lose) with the same food intake, and gains in lean body mass, and endurance. That’s why it is already popular with athletes, because of the rapid results it gives in terms of strength, speed, and endurance. But physicians in the know are also giving the thumbs-up to IF for their patients, to help them deal with conditions that benefit from healthy weight loss, like Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Of course, if you have a health challenge, it is very important that you work closely with your doctor to adjust your medications if needed, but even patients with Type 2 diabetes can be accommodated, when a knowledgeable physician is involved. For non-diabetics, IF is easy to start, and easy to continue.

If you decide to make IF a part of your healthy lifestyle, the Cellexir team would like to know how you are doing, so drop us a note and let us know.


Chaix, Amandine et al. “Time-Restricted Feeding Is a Preventative and Therapeutic Intervention against Diverse Nutritional Challenges.” Cell metabolism 20.6 (2014): 991–1005. PMC. Web. 2 Apr. 2018.


Moro, Tatiana et al. “Effects of Eight Weeks of Time-Restricted Feeding (16/8) on Basal Metabolism, Maximal Strength, Body Composition, Inflammation, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Resistance-Trained Males.” Journal of Translational Medicine 14 (2016): 290. PMC. Web. 2 Apr. 2018.


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