

Meet Åsa Melin – The woman behind the menopause podcast


Cellexir is very happy to present Åsa Melin as ambassador. Åsa is passionate about women’s health and runs the popular Menopause Pod, which has grown into a leading forum for both physical and mental women’s health.

Hello Åsa! A warm welcome as a Cellexir ambassador, really nice to have you along. Tell us a little more about yourself and who you are?

– When I give lectures, I often start by saying; Hello, my name is Åsa Melin and I am in the menopause. I had no idea about that 5 years ago. Today I am 54 years old and work in different ways to form opinion on the subject of women’s health. I have always been active in various ways and above all love to be outside.

Your popular podcast The Menopause podcast has had a very big impact as a channel for women’s health both physically and psychologically. When did you start it and how did you come up with the idea?

– I got the idea when I realized how incredibly poor knowledge we women have about our physiology and the hormonal transformation menopause entails and the consequences that come with it. I was pretty upset about how badly off the knowledge both myself and my fellow sisters were and wanted to make a difference. When I found out about “conclusion”, I wanted more people to share what I learned.

– I hope to contribute to removing the stigma of shame, and a lot has happened in the three or so years I’ve worked with the Menopause podcast. Spreading knowledge in the form of a pod felt like a good idea because you can listen “on the sly”, you don’t have to show what you are interested in. In the beginning I got a lot of comments about why I made the podcast but now it’s rather praised. From no listeners to over 1.3 million downloads says a lot.

What is your goal with the Klimakteriepodden, which questions and topics do you want to shed light on?

– With knowledge, you have the power to change and tackle the symptoms that cause problems or even reduced quality of life. No one deserves to walk around feeling bad and as much as 75% of all women report suffering from symptoms associated with menopause.

– In a perfect world, all 40-year-olds would listen and prepare for what’s to come. Ironically, everyone knows that fertility starts to decline already in the late 30s, but you rarely associate it with the first part of menopause. Also, those are the worst years, for most people, before you reach the point where you stop menstruating.

– It is primarily about reviewing your lifestyle, the body and psyche will not be as resistant to ironing. If you suffer from severe sleep disturbances as a result of night sweats, you will eventually not function. The consequences can lead to burnout and depression, in the worst case.


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